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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 64, Issue 2, pp. 369-723

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Stochastic Mode Reduction for the Immersed Boundary Method

Andrew J. Majda and Peter R. Kramer

pp. 369-400

Stochastic Mode Reduction for Particle-Based Simulation Methods for Complex Microfluid Systems

Andrew J. Majda and Peter R. Kramer

pp. 401-422

The Electrophoretic Mobility of a Closely Fitting Sphere in a Cylindrical Pore

Ehud Yariv and Howard Brenner

pp. 423-441

A Second Order Shape Optimization Approach for Image Segmentation

Michael Hintermüller and Wolfgang Ring

pp. 442-467

Multivalued Fundamental Diagrams and Stop and Go Waves for Continuum Traffic Flow Equations

Axel Klar, Marco Günther, Raimund Wegener, and Thorsten Materne

pp. 468-483

Radiation Induced Instability

Anthony M. Bloch, Michael I. Weinstein, and Patrick Hagerty

pp. 484-524

Grating Profile Reconstruction Based on Finite Elements and Optimization Techniques

A. Rathsfeld, G. C. Hsiao, and J. Elschner

pp. 525-545

On the Nature of Initial-Boundary Value Solutions for Dispersive Equations

Bengt Fornberg and Natasha Flyer

pp. 546-564

New Frequency-Averaged Approximations to the Equations of Radiative Heat Transfer

Axel Klar, Edward W. Larsen, and Guido Thömmes

pp. 565-582

Secondary Circulation in Granular Flow Through Nonaxisymmetric Hoppers

David G. Schaeffer, John V. Matthews, and Pierre A. Gremaud

pp. 583-600

Resonances for Microstrip Transmission Lines

Faouzi Triki and Habib Ammari

pp. 601-636

A Hyperbolic System of Equations of Blood Flow in an Arterial Network

Anthony Curcio, M. E. Clark, Meide Zhao, and Weihua Ruan

pp. 637-667

A Variational Approach to Nonrigid Morphological Image Registration

M. Droske and M. Rumpf

pp. 668-687

Analysis of Transient Electromagnetic Scattering from Overfilled Cavities

Aihua Wood and Tri Van

pp. 688-708

The Determination of the Surface Impedance of a Partially Coated Obstacle from Far Field Data

David Colton and Fioralba Cakoni

pp. 709-723